December 20, 2019

Mid-December Re-cap +

Holiday Fundraiser Pictures!

Dear TLC Family,

In a nutshell, here is what we’ve been up to since our last newsletter; it’s a lot! In the last two weeks, our TEAM TLC NYC volunteers:

  • Put on a Holiday Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser. It was a grand success!  Thank you to everyone who donated gifts for asylum seekers, joined us to wrap them, and those who will (soon!) be delivering these gifts to the families we assist.  As a result of this effort and support, 8 families are celebrating the holidays with gifts this year, and we raised $500 in addition that will go towards basic needs and care.  Thank you. 

  • Raised enough money in three days to turn the heat back on for a family of eight who had been without heat for 10 days.  

  • Aided a young man who fled from El Salvador when he was a teenager and went into hiding to protect himself and his family from gangs who threatened their lives. He spent two months living on a bridge in Mexico, then his 25th birthday in detention. Now in NYC, we found him free, transitional housing for a month and a place to spend Christmas day where he will be given a warm meal, a few small gifts, and a welcoming space with a lovely family. Thank you!


  • Outfitted an apartment (also transported items across NYC, no small feat!) for a young Honduran man.  He had his first trip to Target for essentials for his new apartment, received a new mattress and bed frame (both donated), a rug and lamps (donated), and is now living on his own and working with a new work permit.


  • Delivered TLC bags full of necessities and provided hot meals and phone calls to 12 travelers traveling through NYC and needing assistance en route to their final destinations.


  • Provided an unlimited monthly Metrocard ($128) to a young woman so she can get herself and her son to appointments and therapy around the city.


  • Found pro bono general care doctors and dentists for two asylum seekers who had never seen them before.


  • Accompanied one of our mamas who was worried about her newborn’s breathing to a medical group that is serving us pro bono. Thankfully lungs are healthy and normal; he just has a little cold.  This baby rode on top of “La Bestia” -- the most dangerous train traveling through Mexico to the southern US Border -- in utero accompanied by mama, papa and three other boys under the age of 10.   They are all survivors.

The more I do this work, the more I realize it’s not particularly “hard” or “rocket science.” It’s just life.  The people we serve need the basics -- food, doctors, shelter, clothing, and communal TLC -- to get to the next place in life, where they can begin to see their futures and, better yet, navigate them independently. 

This is just a sliver of what we have accomplished in a short amount of time.  What you have done.  This process takes all types and talents; all levels of time, commitment, and effort.  The problem is grim. Committing yourself to helping -- a little or a lot -- offers empowerment to all involved. Coming together makes positive ripples upon which these families and we as a community can build upon.

That’s what I am seeing from a birdseye view -- an organization growing solidly, organically, roots in the ground so we can be sustainable for those we serve. Much love, peace, and joy this Holiday Season.

We are so happy to have you on board.

Virginia Child, Founder TEAM TLC NYC

Team TLC NYC is 100% volunteer-operated. There is no paid staff.

If you’d like to get more involved -- no matter your location! -- please fill out our contact form:, or shoot us an email at with a question or comment.

NewsletterGinger Child Smith